Monday, March 4, 2013

Inspired By...

Hey guys!

Today's Inspired by manicure comes to you courtesy of Pshiiit

I decided to use some different colors for my flowers and used some of my new OPI Euro Centrale polishes.

I started with a base of My Paprika Is Hotter Than Yours!, a bright red leading orange. I used 3 coats here, it was a bit streaky after 2. 

Then, I used a plain ol' white polish to dot my flowers, and then OPI I Saw... U Saw... We Saw... Warsaw (which has to be the longest polish name ever) for the flower middles. Yeah I know flowers don't have blue middles but finger nails aren't naturally decorated, either :-p

And voila! Pretty simple. I smudged some of the dots due to impatience. Yeah. I'm lame.

I'll be back later with a Born Pretty Store Review!

Talk to you soon!