Thursday, March 21, 2013

March Untrieds: Color Club Halo Hues 2013!

Hey guys!

Today's March untrieds post is a doozy! Lots of pictures so bear with me! And make sure to go visit Sarah and Amanda's posts today! 

Today I have the Color Club Halo Hues 2013 releases for you. As with the last batch of Halo Hues, all the formula's on these were pretty terrific. I didn't use an aqua base for any of them and there was no dragging or anything like that! Whoo! All swatches are 2 coats.

Oh, also, there was no sun when I was swatching these so you get a table lamp. Wahh.

Let's get to it! First up, Kismet! This is a really fun green gold holo.

Next, Cosmic Fate, which is an orange holo... I love this one! 

Next is Miss Bliss, a pink holo. This is very similar to Halo-Graphic from the 2012 holo's but Miss Bliss is a bit more vibrant.

 Eternal Beauty, a deep purple holo.

 Over the Moon, the blue holo from this collection.

And finally, Beyond. I think I just love black holo's the best. They are so sassy! It also seems like this was the strongest holo, but that could be because the base color is so dark.

So! What do you think? Did you get any of the new Halo Hues? What were your favorites?

Talk to you soon!