Hi! My name is Amanda, I live in Michigan with my husband, toddler, and fur baby, Buster.
I love nail polish. I love glitter, I love music, and football and hockey and reading and shopping.
So what does Fashion Footing mean? Well, I originally created this blog to post outfits, shoes, etc. etc. It was going to be like I was 'finding my fashion footing'. I published two posts and then thought "uhhhhh bored."
I decided to write a blog about nail polish because I became obsessed one day. I've always liked nail polish... but I stumbled across a nail blog one day and something clicked in my head and I was obsessed! And I was too lazy to change the name. That's a great story, right? I've thought about trying to come up with a more fitting name for the blog but at this point, I feel like it's too late. I've come to terms to with this fact.
If you have any questions about anything, please email me. Thank you for reading my blog. It makes me happy to read your comments! :-)