Monday, November 26, 2012

Orly Monster Mash and Right Amount Of Evil

Hey guys! Did everyone have a nice Thanksgiving? Did you score any major deals on Black Friday/this weekend? I started my Christmas shopping but I am not done. My family is hard to buy for, lol.

Today's Lazy 15 is... umm... well, it's not really part of the theme at all. I forgot to do a post so you're getting random glitter swatches instead. Sorry :-/

 I have to say, I am loving the Flash Glam FX glitters Orly is releasing. Fab-U-lous!

Monster Mash is a green hex glitter with green/holographic bar glitter. I layered it over Wet n Wild Black Creme. This is two coats of Monster Mash.


Right Amount of Evil over OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls. This was a little bit thicker than the other glitters. I need to re-swatch this and be a little more patient :-p Two coat, no top coat.

Don't forget to check out the other Lazy 15 Bloggers, who I'm sure actually paid attention to the post schedule!! LOL

Talk to you soon!