Saturday, November 24, 2012

DIFFERENT Dimensions Hanna with A England Guinevere

Hey guys! Happy Saturday! Has anyone gotten a good chunk of their Christmas shopping done? I managed to get a few gifts... and also a few things for me, lol!

If you follow me on Twitter, you've probably noticed that I've recently become obsessed with a show on ABC Family called Pretty Little Liars. I place the blame entirely on Amanda, Maria, and Radha! LOL

Anyway, when Amanda mentioned a seller called DIFFERENT Dimensions on Etsy selling a PLL set of nail polishes... I pretty much leaped onto the internet to investigate. And then of course I bought the set. So today I have the first polish from that set, Hanna. But first, I have to show you my base color!

A England's Guinevere made the perfect base for this glitter. I. Love. A England. Adina is the sweetest and her polish never disappoints. I used two coats of Guinevere here, that lovely lavender color cream, you! This was a little bit thinner than the other A England's I've used, but nothing unmanageable.

Then, I added 2 coats of Hanna. Magenta, white, and purple glitter, yes please!! 

So pretty!

Talk to you soon!