Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Polish 'M and Painted Polish Land of the Free Duo

Hey guys!

Nothing To Disclose

So I'm going to be a total downer and show you a duo that you can't purchase any longer. Whoops. Sorry!!!

Polish 'M and Painted Polish by Lexi released a Land of the Free duo last month in celebration of Fourth of July.

Polish 'M American Spirit is a white crelly base with assorted shapes of red, white, blue, and gold hex glitters and some red and blue shimmer. It was a nice formula and it is packed with glitters so no fishing required. This was 2 coats with topcoat.

Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Holo by Painted Polish is a red, white, and holo glitter. Uhmm yasss. This was really densely packed, as well. I used 3 coats plus topcoat.

These are definitely some super festive and beautiful nail polishes! Were you able to snag this duo??

Talk to you soon!