Hey guys!
So, this is rather late but I haven't had a chance to post lately! I just wanted to tell you a little bit about something I am doing this year. I'm calling it Operation: Helmer.
So, I have 2 Helmers from IKEA. They are basically full of nail polish. Not packed to the gills, but pretty much. I also have two shoeboxes full of nail polish on top of these helmers, one of which is a box of untried nail polish. This is ridiculous, as I do not ever reach into my helmer drawers for a color. So, I decided to utilize my helmers much better this year.
I am going to be using one drawer per month, along with the untrieds that are out of the helmers. This way, I will hopefully be able to go through each drawer pretty thoroughly at the end of the month and purge what I either didn't use very much or colors I decided aren't my favorites. I know that I won't get to every bottle in each drawer but it will be a good start to use my stash, instead of just adding to it!
It also seemed like a fun idea for me to post the contents of each drawer at the beginning of the month and ask for viewer requests, such as colors you would really like to see or different color combinations. I'm not always the most creative at color combinations, plus this would be a great way for more interaction :-)
Since January is half over, I won't be posting the first drawer (which is China Glaze, btw) but I will be posting February's drawer in about 2 weeks: Indies!
Hopefully this will help me to use and purge and organize! I might not get to post actual blog posts for each manicure but I will be posting on Instagram so if you want to follow along, follow me at http://instagram.com/fashionfooting! If you want to join me in my quest, use #operationhelmer, even if you don't have a helmer :-p
Now let's get to polishing!
Talk to you soon!